OK I fooled you
- I'm NOT starting a Waldorf MicroQ vs. AN1x thread-
But I do want to make a quick point (with supporting comments).
My Point is this...
Buy a Waldorf Micro Q because...
1. It compliments the AN1x very well.
2. It is affordable ($750)- and has about 25voices (dependent on processing)
I bought one and compared it to my An1x-
I must say the An1x still sounds Soooo Goood- the Micro Q just doesn't even
cover the same sonic ground (so Don't think you can trade in the AN1x for a
The good news about this combination is this.....
The MicroQ offers 3 things to add to your arsenal..
1. Process external instruments (even the AN1x) thru the MicroQ filters (or
use the MicroQ Vocoder).
2. A good alternative Physical Analog Modeling engine that sounds
different(than the AN1x).
3. This is the part I really Love- I received an email from a rep. at
Waldorf in Germany and he told me the Waldorf MicroQ has 2 WAVETABLES that
contain "the Best of" the wavetables in the Waldorf Microwave XT !
(each Wavetable has 128 waves each).
I'm sorry to sound like a salesman- I just wanted to share this thinking it
might be of some interest to fellow AN1xers.
Todd S.
Sierra Madre Cinema Council