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Subject: Re: OT: SysEx for SR-16

From: jondl@...
Date: 2001-02-22


--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Lammers, H.W.M." <h.w.m.lammers@s...> wrote:
> I've just bought a Alesis SR-16, and I read in the manual that the sequencer
> data can be exported as sysex.

This function is typically provided so that you can backup your user
patterns to a generic SysEx librarian, or even a sw sequencer, and
restore the data as needed. Much more user friendly this way then
having to backup to a cassette tape like in the 'old days'.

Does anybody have a overview of the sysex
> used by this machine?

If the MIDI Implementation data is not in your reference manual then
check with Alesis at Also, there are a number of
Alesis discussion groups here at Yahoo!Groups - maybe cross post to one
of them will turn up an answer.

And does anybody know if I can program patterns from
> my computer (by midi)?

All the current, popular sequencer programmers have some provision for
easily programming drum patterns on an external tone generator. Which
is 'best' or preferrable to your method of working is up to you. I
personally like to sketch out idea's and create loops on my sampler
using it's internal sequencer then transfer the data to my sw sequencer
for further development. I'd recommend you try the same with your SR-16
The 'lowly' drum computer can be a great source of inspiration!
