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> Well, I have an sw1k, So I want to use the sustain for some of the
> instruments and I want to use the Wah type pedal for FX send level or
> whatever. I can run one from my Roland controller keyboard and the Wah
> type I will run Via my peavey midi controller, that way I can assign it
> to anything that takes any midi message, including sysex. I could even
> control the DSPF with the Wah type pedal if I got bored enough!
> Thanks for mentioning the Foot volume pedal, they guy in the shop wasn't
> exactly clear about it!
> I have never used either type of pedal before, but if anyone has any
> other ways of using one let me know. (Yeah, yeah, I know foot up, foot
> down, nothing to it!)
> Would using it for after touch be viable?
> Thanks again,
> In article <>,
> Bruce Wahler <bruce@...> writes
> >Reggie,
> >
> >>So, can anyone explain how to set up the 2 types of foot thing I will
> >>buy tomorrow?
> >
> >It depends what you want to do with them. Typically, you'll put the "wah"
> >type pedal into the Foot Volume jack, and the sustain pedal into the Foot
> >Switch jack. (You could also use the Foot Controller jack for the wah
> >pedal.) Then go to the CTRL functions using the buttons and rotary switch
> >on the AN1x, or AN1xEdit, and set the FV (or FC) controller to the MIDI CC#
> >that you want. Usually, volume is CC#7, expression is CC#11, and CC#6 is
> >the data slider. Then set the FS controller in the same manner; sustain is
> >CC#64, portamento is CC#65, soft pedal is CC#66, sostenudo is CC#67. An
> >example is on pg96-97 in the manual.
> >
> >Actually, you don't need to follow conventions if you're setting the device
> >at the other end of the chain to the same CC#. The only caveat is that if
> >you set the CC# to something that has a name on the display, rather than
> >'------', it's going to affect the AN1x directly -- this might be good or
> >bad, depending on the setup.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >-BW
> >
> >--
> >Bruce Wahler
> >Design Consultant
> >Ashby Solutions"
> >
> >CloneWheel Support Group moderator
> >978.386.7389 voice
> >978.776.0096 fax
> >bruce@...
> >
> >
> >
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> See ya,
> Reggie
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