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Subject: A solution to the Sustain pedal problem

From: leo <tubeman@...>
Date: 2001-02-21

Ok guys,
years ago, when I was just a poor musician...
i had only one pedal and it was a Yamaha pedal.
When I tried to control my Roland synths it worked backward.
I went to Radio shack and bought a "Male" and a"female" 1/4"
and a very short ( 4")
2 conductor cable.
I made the cable with backward soldering on each end.
On the female end it was tip and ground
on the male it was ground and tip
so it basicly revers the polarity.
every time I needed to use it with Roland I connected the pedal
to the Female 1/4" and the "male" 1/4" went to the pedal input.
This is very simple to do and it worked for me till I had enough
money to buy dedicated pedals for a large setup.

By the way,
If you ask me why they are not the same ?
I think roland wanted to make a statement and to make extra $$
as Yamaha started about 70-80 years before them in building
musical instruments.
I think that korg is like Yamaha but I'm not sure.

take care

Reggie wrote:
> Well, I have an sw1k, So I want to use the sustain for some of the
> instruments and I want to use the Wah type pedal for FX send level or
> whatever. I can run one from my Roland controller keyboard and the Wah
> type I will run Via my peavey midi controller, that way I can assign it
> to anything that takes any midi message, including sysex. I could even
> control the DSPF with the Wah type pedal if I got bored enough!
> Thanks for mentioning the Foot volume pedal, they guy in the shop wasn't
> exactly clear about it!
> I have never used either type of pedal before, but if anyone has any
> other ways of using one let me know. (Yeah, yeah, I know foot up, foot
> down, nothing to it!)
> Would using it for after touch be viable?
> Thanks again,
> In article <>,
> Bruce Wahler <bruce@...> writes
> >Reggie,
> >
> >>So, can anyone explain how to set up the 2 types of foot thing I will
> >>buy tomorrow?
> >
> >It depends what you want to do with them. Typically, you'll put the "wah"
> >type pedal into the Foot Volume jack, and the sustain pedal into the Foot
> >Switch jack. (You could also use the Foot Controller jack for the wah
> >pedal.) Then go to the CTRL functions using the buttons and rotary switch
> >on the AN1x, or AN1xEdit, and set the FV (or FC) controller to the MIDI CC#
> >that you want. Usually, volume is CC#7, expression is CC#11, and CC#6 is
> >the data slider. Then set the FS controller in the same manner; sustain is
> >CC#64, portamento is CC#65, soft pedal is CC#66, sostenudo is CC#67. An
> >example is on pg96-97 in the manual.
> >
> >Actually, you don't need to follow conventions if you're setting the device
> >at the other end of the chain to the same CC#. The only caveat is that if
> >you set the CC# to something that has a name on the display, rather than
> >'------', it's going to affect the AN1x directly -- this might be good or
> >bad, depending on the setup.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >-BW
> >
> >--
> >Bruce Wahler
> >Design Consultant
> >Ashby Solutions"
> >
> >CloneWheel Support Group moderator
> >978.386.7389 voice
> >978.776.0096 fax
> >bruce@...
> >
> >
> >
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> See ya,
> Reggie
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