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Subject: Re: Midi Interfaces in Win2000 ??

From: jsbedard@...
Date: 2001-02-09

With a USB midi interface, i don't need to install drivers ? It's a
driver-free technology ??? Drivers are only for serial and parallel
interface ? Will a "Midiman USB" or other USB Midi inferface work in
Windows 2000 ?


--- In AN1x-list@y..., Roland van Oorschot <rolando@c...> wrote:
> >===== Original Message From jsbedard@h... =====
> >Can someone help me ? I need a MIDI interface that work well in
> >windows 2000. The midiman series seems very shitty, don't support
> >Win2000, Yamaha and Roland too! Can i find a midi interface (USB or
> >serial) that procide Windows2000 drivers!???
> To clear things up:
> I've got a MidiMan Portman 2x4 and works absolutly fine with my
Roland &
> Yamaha gear.
> MidiMan support told me that there will be no Win2000 drivers for
my PortMan
> 2x4 though :(
> So I'm stuck with Win98 or ME.
> Who told you that MidiMan is shitty? I read a test of Midi-
interfaces not so
> long ago and Midiman was one of the best and I'm happy with mine.
> Anyway, Windows 2000 supports USB so buy an USB midiport.
> When those USB ports where introduced, people where a bit sceptic
about the
> speed-performance but I hear no negative words about that anymore.
> That's my humble opinion and maybe there are some guys/gals on this
list who
> can fill us in about those USB<>speed stories.
> R.
> ---
> f:un[x]iun
> ---