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Subject: Re: SV: SV: [AN1x-list] Percussion kit Patch

From: jsbedard@...
Date: 2001-02-02

Damn ±@£¢ I just want to find a ".an1" patch file that contains
percussives sound! That's not chinese ! I know how to use knobs ±¢¤±

Can someone that speak english could help me please !?


--- In AN1x-list@y..., Roland van Oorschot <rolando@c...> wrote:
> At 15:52 02-02-2001 +0000, you wrote:
> >Okay dudes! Let mer explain: i've made a really kicking bassdum for
> >goa music.
> Goa? Is that genre still alive?
> Wow...
> > AN1x can produce very impressive percussions sounds!
> Yep!
> >But
> >you have to configure the knobs to produce them, and that's the
> >problem now for me...
> The create sounds on the An1X you have to fiddle with the knobs (or
> An1Xedit), that's correct.
> What I don't understand is, that you know how to make a bassdrum
but you
> don't know how to 'configure the knobs'.
> Lost you there...
> If you never tried it, you'll never gonna learn. Programming the
An1X is
> really a joy! :D
> >I have to sample my sounds because my only
> >machine is a AN1x. I work in sample mode.
> >
> >I'm looking for AN1x files that contains sounds of cymbals, drums
> >others percussives that i can edit and then record in wav format.
> >Could someone help me to find that an1x files ???????
> I would say; plunder the yahoogroups file section of this group and
Jon's site!
> Maybe you'll stumble on to more sounds that are not percussive only.
> You're on your own, kid :)
> R.
> ---
> f:un[x]iun
> ---