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Subject: Re: SV: [AN1x-list] Percussion kit Patch

From: RayMaxer <digil@...>
Date: 2001-02-02

Well ... I'd say that AN-1x can produce really good sounding BD's ... usual trance kind and goa ones too ... (PEG is very useful for that)
But you need to sample them ... or use them as audio clips in your midi/audio sequencer.

Jonas Nilsson wrote:

> >>>
> > I dudes ! I'm looking for a good, complete and massive percussion kit
> > for an1x. I don't have a drum machine so i would like to have my own
> > percussions on my an1x. Can someone know where i can find that ?
> >>>
> Hi Jean-Seb!
> I take it you don't own a sampler and want an AN1x percussion sample kit. The AN1x really isn't suitable for mapping percussion kits. If I remember correctly (pardon a PLG user) the AN1x is only bitimbral which means that only two patches can be used at the same time, i.e. a bass drum patch and a snare drum patch. Unfortunately, an AN1x percussion kit doesn't become more complete than that. Actually, the AN1x isn't really good for making the percussion sounds either.
> Bad news? Well, the AN1x sounds great and I love the free EG but it isn't a drum machine.
> Bye for now!
> Jonas
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