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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: problem with midi synch for the arpeg and seq fun ction

From: Reggie <reggie@...>
Date: 2001-01-13

In article <93obg4+5cog@...>, jondl@... writes
>If I'm not mistaken, Ed has a pet peeve that there is no provision to
>stop/start the ARP/SEQ Hold from an external controller (other than the
>front panel button.) On the plus side, at least each scene in a voice
>can have seperate trigger options - that lets you create splits or
>layers with some flexibility. Overall, I like the ARP/SEQ - but Yamaha
>did overlook a couple of "niceties", IMO.
Why can't you control the arp/seq externally? Do it via sysex.
