Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: hello there..!

From: Mikael Askernas <askernas@...>
Date: 2001-01-07

My name is Micke Askernas and I'm new to the list, so i'd thought I'd let
you guys know who I am .. =)

I am a 27 year old computer wiz/magician/musician with my own recordings
studio, in which my AN1x makes a very nice synth to have in there.

Along with that one, I am also sitting on a Nord Lead 2, Korg MS2000R, Korg
Poly 800, Korg Prophecy, Novation SuperNova II, Casio CZ-101, Akai AX-60,
Roland Juno 60 .. and some other smaller things as well .. =)

So .. i'm quite well fitted i believe..

I have, however one problem: I've had my AN1x for quite some time ,but I've
never ever really learned how to program the darn thing...

I've downloaded a lot of patches off the web, many from you guys (many
thanks), but is there any nice place to start on how to program it .. ?

Even though I've been using synthesizers for the past 13 years, I am REALLY
bd at making sounds... The old analogue were so much easier =)

I mean, I know what every component does, and how it affects the sound and
all .. It is just a matter of knowing what all the little components put
together will sound =)

Anyway ... I hope you'll bear with me on some fortcoming questions on this
matter .. =)

finally the blatant commercial spot: if you want to hear what I am doing,
please feel free to go to or directly to our own
website, .

We basically play pure, electronic synth pop =)

have fun !

//Micke Askernas