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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Some Help Needed

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2000-12-20

Dacook wrote:
To start off, I am looking at starting on an AN1X to EX patch
converter in the new year (once I've finished some other projects)
and I am looking for a friendly AN1X owner who may be able to help me
The sort of help I would be looking for is for somebody to either
create or take a patch, note down all the parameter settings and then
send this to me along with the actual file containing the bank. This
would allow me to dissect the AN1X voice and come up with a mapping
to the EX voice structure.

The simplest thing to do would be to download the AN1x data manual form the
Yamaha on line library. Then take a look at how (and which) parameters map
between the AN1x and EX5.

If you need a copy of the An1xEdit .an1 file format I can supply the file
format source code (its also available on the Yamaha UK web site at the An1x

