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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Binary Finary "1998" Arpeggiator Sequence

From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2000-12-15

Hi Bjorn,

Now, aren't you kicking kicking yourself that you didn't think of it first!

Incidently, from interviews of Binary Finary I've read, they were messed
around by their first label manager who 'bought' the rights to the track as
part of their original contract and then proceeded to make a heap of money
through the re-releases and remixes that followed, locking Binary Finary out
of the whole deal. Very sad, actually. I wonder if Binary Finary are legally
able to even play their own track live still. Maybe not???

Anyway, as another variation. Try a rich string pad, overdrive it, and play
the sequence as chords, rather than arpeggiatored notes. This recreates the
breakdown in the middle of the 1998 '2000 remix'. Drop a few overly reverbed
kicks, add a 909 snare roll.... etc. etc. etc. !!!!

Have fun,


From: Bjørn Standal <standal2000@...>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 19:55:48 +0100
To: <>
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Binary Finary "1998" Arpeggiator Sequence

Hi there again.

Couldn't wait that long to try it out: It's superb, Phil. And I've tried
with many different patches, and found out it can go with just about
anything that is a little bit snappy, e.g. short attack/decay, as you
mentioned. Generally add some delay and twist cutoff / resonance to find
something to your own taste. It's also cool use a patch like a distorted 303
(e.g.Fuzzline2) and use the VCF cutoff to sweep in and out as the sequence
plays. Awesome stuff!



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