Hello Jim,
--- In
AN1x-list@egroups.com, "James Ellemore" <J_ellemore@h...>
> I need some assistance with the following.
> How can I set my an1x assign knobs to controll filter cutoff & res
for my E-mu e5000 ultra sampler? Is anyone else using this combo? The
sequencer I am using is logic audio 4.Can I also set the assign knobs
to control the fx on the e5000.
On the AN1x, from the UTILITY/SETUP menu, use the rocker button
beneath 'Ctrl Device' to select which Real Time Controller you wish to
use, i.e., MW, or RBNX, or Knob 1, etc. Then, use the rocker button
beneath 'Ctrl No.' to assign a MIDI Change Control message between 1 -
95. MIDI CC #074 is Typically used for Filter Cutoff (sometimes called
Brightness) and MIDI CC #071 for Resonance (or Harmonic Content.)
Once these assignments are made they will transmitted on the base 'MIDI
Tx Ch' - and will be rechanneled accordingly to the currently selected
track within Logic. At least, that's how it suppose to work ;-)
In my set-up I use the AN1x as a master keyboard for my ASR-X Pro
sampler. Typically, I have Assign Knob 5 set to MIDI CC #074 for
Filter Cutoff and Assign Knob 6 set to MIDI CC #077 for Resonance. I
know that I just said MIDI CC #071 is typically used for Resonance but
my ASR-X requires #077 for resonance NOT #071. The point being - check
the MIDI Implementation chart in the reference manual for your E5000 to
confirm MIDI CC # mappings. Ensoniq deviated from the std MIDI CC #
mappings in the ASR-X - that's all :-)
Regarding the FX control in your E5K - I don't know what real time
mappings are available to the internal E5K FX. It's been awhile since
I glanced at the E5K PDF on the E-mu web site but I _think_ you can
control no more than one parameter at a time on the E5K FX from a
MIDI CC # of your choice (don't quote me on that.) Again, in my set-up,
I use Assign Knob 4 set to MIDI CC #012 to control the FX on my ASR-X
sampler. It works well for me. BTW - have you checked out their new
RFX card? Pretty cool (and for a "modest" $795 ha ha ha LOL)
> Any assistance would be great.
> jim