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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Sampler v. computer (Slighly off topic)

From: Elson Trinidad <elson@...>
Date: 2000-12-13

PinheadX wrote:
> From: "Elson Trinidad" <elson@...>
> > Synths are here to stay, obviously and are common musical instruments now.
> > Now we're fearing software will replace them.
> > Elson
> Not running under "Winblows"..:-)

Actually none of the currently used OS platforms are ideal for music. Not
Windows, not Mac, not even Linux. Hopefully in the future there will be an OS
made specific for music/audio/professional multimedia gear, which can be
installed or interfaced with certain types of equipment, and dedicated
music-only computers or hardware devices that it can work with.

- 30 -

:. elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa
:. elson@...

"music is a form of rapid transportation" - john cage

[ the futurethnic beats of e:trinity - ]