Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Monthly patch submission

From: jondl <jondl@...>
Date: 2000-04-13

Jerry A wrote:
> Dear listers:
> I finally got off my butt and submitted four pad patches. They were
> all created using Genetix to get some rough ideas and then cleaned up
> in an1xedit.

Jerry, Peter, Shawn and everybody else - a BIG thanks for joining in on
the patch swap! You guys are aces!
Feedback to come...

> PS: Is there some specific day of each month we are doing this patch
> sharing? I liked it so much I want to make sure its in my personal
> schedule.
Joel has proposed a number of good ideas, i.e., themes for the monthly
patch swap (so much more friendly than a competition). To date he
typically posts a reminder during the first week of the month with an
idea/theme. It can take me anywhere from an hour to a week to come up
with something I'm satisfied can be shared with other users - there's no
formal guidelines :-)

