Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Poll results for AN1x-list

Date: 2000-11-21

The following AN1x-list poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Which features of this synth's sound
architecture are the coolest for you?
What drags you back to the blue box to
tweak some more (let me know if I have
missed anything):

- Scene morphing, 10 votes, 11.24%
- Self oscillating filter, 5 votes, 5.62%
- Resonant filter sweeps, 8 votes, 8.99%
- Free EG modulations, 7 votes, 7.87%
- Matrix Modulations, 6 votes, 6.74%
- LFO modulations, 4 votes, 4.49%
- Oscillator Sync, 5 votes, 5.62%
- Multi-Effects, 6 votes, 6.74%
- Pitch EG, 2 votes, 2.25%
- Feedback & noise, 4 votes, 4.49%
- Ring Modulator, 5 votes, 5.62%
- Oscillator Edge, 3 votes, 3.37%
- Pulse width modulation, 2 votes, 2.25%
- Frequency (cross) modulation, 6 votes, 6.74%
- Arpeggiator, 5 votes, 5.62%
- Step Sequencer, 7 votes, 7.87%
- Other, 4 votes, 4.49%

- Scene morphing
- jerrya3@...
- pinheadx@...
- synth72@...
- peter.bognar@...
- tomfinegan@...
- jondl@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- accession@...
- bengt.falke@...
- dang@...
- Self oscillating filter
- tomfinegan@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- accession@...
- bengt.falke@...
- dang@...
- Resonant filter sweeps
- ekosonic@...
- ed.edwards@...
- tomfinegan@...
- Steven_Clements@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- accession@...
- bengt.falke@...
- dang@...
- Free EG modulations
- jerrya3@...
- pinheadx@...
- tomfinegan@...
- jondl@...
- mangey@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- bengt.falke@...
- Matrix Modulations
- jerrya3@...
- ed.edwards@...
- jondl@...
- Steven_Clements@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- ybf672l@...
- LFO modulations
- ekosonic@...
- jondl@...
- Steven_Clements@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- Oscillator Sync
- jerrya3@...
- peter.bognar@...
- mangey@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- accession@...
- Multi-Effects
- tomfinegan@...
- Steven_Clements@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- accession@...
- ybf672l@...
- dang@...
- Pitch EG
- tomfinegan@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- Feedback & noise
- tomfinegan@...
- Steven_Clements@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- accession@...
- Ring Modulator
- jerrya3@...
- ekosonic@...
- mangey@...
- Steven_Clements@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- Oscillator Edge
- tomfinegan@...
- Steven_Clements@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- Pulse width modulation
- peter.bognar@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- Frequency (cross) modulation
- jerrya3@...
- ed.edwards@...
- ghurd@...
- tomfinegan@...
- mangey@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- Arpeggiator
- pinheadx@...
- ed.edwards@...
- Steven_Clements@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- ybf672l@...
- Step Sequencer
- pinheadx@...
- ed.edwards@...
- tomfinegan@...
- Steven_Clements@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- bengt.falke@...
- ybf672l@...
- Other
- ed.edwards@...
- mangey@...
- floating_point_productions@...
- accession@...

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