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Subject: The old AN1x pooped out...

From: "Ash Wagers" <angelphkt@...>
Date: 2000-11-20

So feeling a bit homocidal right about now.....the other
day i installed reaktor just for fun to mess around with it-it's been
a while since i played with it last....i don't know if this has
anything to do with it or i turn on my AN1x to
add some acompanyment to this insane drum track i've got going and
WHAMMO! all kinds of jibberish....i turned it off and back on...BAM!
jibberish again.....i tried to change the patch and it freezes up and
the lights go haywire and everything in the LCD is lit up and it's
saying all kinds of crap in japanese... i had to restore all the
defaults to get it to do anything...argh, lost all my patches i didnt
have them stored cause i recently reformated my harddrive :-(...damn
it...anyone know what happened or had anything similar to it? could
it be that reaktor did do something to it thru the MIDI cable?

lemme know,