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Subject: Re: Commercial Trance

From: jondl@...
Date: 2000-11-18

I'm not hip to the current, popular Trance acts but I enjoy the few
Trance CDs in my collection. So, obviously I'm no expert on producing

Trance music, but the genre has never struck me as being well suited
the type of phrase sampling you describe below (unlike D&B or Trip
musical styles.) So in that regard I'd agreee with you...but, there
no denying the rise in popularity of construction kit format Sample
ROMs has subsequently made many styles of music more accessible to
musicians/producers. IMO, whether this is good or bad depends on the
creativity employed by said musician/producer in creating new music
from the source material.


--- In, Marlon Jürs <M.Juers@w...> wrote:
> ----------
> Von: "Paul Murphy" <merfman@o...>
> An: <>
> Betreff: Re: [AN1x-list] Commercial Trance
> Datum: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 07:43:27 +1100
> Forget the technology, - I just cant see how recording someone elses
> arpeggio and trying to manipulate that can be compared to playing
your own
> and applying your own filters !
> Am I the only one here who sees that ?
> You are not. I agree with that!
> Marlon (ACCUFACE)