Hello Gerry - welcome to the list.
Time to retire the Roland W30, huh? Well, since you're on the AN1x
you're going to get an overwhelming vote for an AN1x - and I'd
it makes a terrific MIDI controller - but there are a few things to
mull over first.
1) The AN1x keyboard feels completely different than the keyboard
mechanism used in the Roland. The Roland mechanism is lighter and
organ like in it's action.
2) Obviously the Roland Pitch/Mod bend thingy would be replaced by
dedicated Mod and Pitch wheels. While they feel adequate to the touch
they are by no means as robust as the mechanisms used on the current
Euro-V/As. FWIW, I've never liked the feel of the Roland Pitch/Mod
thingy and prefer dedicated wheels.
3) The Ribbon Controller on the AN1x is excellent but the one on the
CS6x is much improved, IMO. The Assign Knobs are great! Very useful
and easy to program.
Aside from all that are you certain you want to replace a Sampler
with a Virtual Analog? Personally, I think the combination of Sampler +
V/A is the way to go - that's what I've done. Still, you have the MC505
for a ROMpler/Drum Machine/Sequencer combo so you'd have an
effective and flexible setup, IMO.
While on the subject of W30, I assume you're hip to the SGroup page
http://www.generalconcepts.com/sgroup/ Did you ever get the SCSI mod
done to your W30?
--- In AN1x-list@egroups.com, "Gerry Bolda" <tam_ger@h...> wrote:
> Hello all,
> new to the list:
> currently i use a MC505 and and an old roland W30 (as my
> everything is usually sequenced through cakewalk. The W30 is
> getting old, and i am going to replace it. I have read many good
> things about the AN1x. Can anyone tell me if i would be wasting my
> money here, since i allready have a synth/drum machine in the 505.
> My goal is to use it as a midi controller, and use all the phat
> sounds that the 505 can't produce.
> Oh yea, i have my eye on one thats going for $600 (canadian)
> Cheers
> Gerry