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> Sorry to have to report that the AN1x does not transmit midi
> Just a quick note to add. Checking my files, this may help. Even tho
> AN1x can't transmit, it can be synched up to another clock. (Ihaven't
> actually tried this). You could then synch up the piece you werehoping to
> use to that same source.but it
> Here is a clip from a previous post:
> <<<The AN1x does not generate MIDI Clock information. I wish it did
> does not. However, the Seq/Arp can be synchronized to MIDI Clock.Use
> the Select Knob to choose the the Voice/Common menu; then use the
> up/down button under Tempo to reduce the tempo to below '40' so the
> display reads MIDI. This info is saved at the Voice level - not
> globally. The AN1x does not sync to MTC (MIDI Time Code) only MIDI
> Clock (sometimes called MIDI Beat Clock.)
> Regards,
> Jon>>>
> Mike Berman
> digiboy@e...