>I'm trying to figure out how to get my AN1X to send Midi clock, and
>haven't been having any success. It receives clock just fine. I've
>hooked it up to another module that I know is receiving clock ok, and
>the receiver is in the proper mode to receive. The receiving module
>is getting notes from the AN1X, but no clock. Is there something I
>need to set?
Sorry to have to report that the AN1x does not transmit midi clock.
Just a quick note to add. Checking my files, this may help. Even tho the
AN1x can't transmit, it can be synched up to another clock. (I haven't
actually tried this). You could then synch up the piece you were hoping to
use to that same source.
Here is a clip from a previous post:
<<<The AN1x does not generate MIDI Clock information. I wish it did but it
does not. However, the Seq/Arp can be synchronized to MIDI Clock. Use
the Select Knob to choose the the Voice/Common menu; then use the
up/down button under Tempo to reduce the tempo to below '40' so the
display reads MIDI. This info is saved at the Voice level - not
globally. The AN1x does not sync to MTC (MIDI Time Code) only MIDI
Clock (sometimes called MIDI Beat Clock.)
Mike Berman