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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] problem with clock out

From: "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...>
Date: 2000-10-29

>I'm trying to figure out how to get my AN1X to send Midi clock, and
>haven't been having any success. It receives clock just fine. I've
>hooked it up to another module that I know is receiving clock ok, and
>the receiver is in the proper mode to receive. The receiving module
>is getting notes from the AN1X, but no clock. Is there something I
>need to set?

Sorry to have to report that the AN1x does not transmit midi clock.
I inquired here about it and got several folks responding that they were
using the clock out . When I asked them how, it always ended up not being
the case...funny, I coulda sworn I had the clock out going a few days
ago... that kind of thing. Finally I verified this with Yamaha. Big
disappointment to me too. I'd still love to hear from anyone who can prove
me wrong by explaining how they do it.

PS...I still love my AN1x, but we did go thru a brief time when we weren't

Mike Berman