Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: AN1x For Sale

From: jondl@...
Date: 2000-10-24

Not that I disagree with Joel, and while a moderate does of paranoia
(in regards to online sales) can be a healthy thing ;-) I'd suggest
follow some good common sense and acquire a potential seller/buyer's
contact info beforehand and verify the info. Many sellers/buyers will
provide references too.

In addition, PayPal offers some modest level of security in that they
offered tiered servicing, i.e., if you want to take advantage of
certain services offered by them than you must have your contact and
banking information undergo a form of electronic certification. This
provides some measure of security to buyers in that they know the
person can be tracked down - particulary in the case of Credit Card
purchases. When you go through the process of submitting your money
PayPal they present with the info on the person you are sending it to
(if they are registered.)

FWIW Dept. - I exchanged a number of emails with "CH" when he was
searching for an AN1x some many months ago. If I'm not mistaken, he
his from a shop in TX that someone on the Yahoo AN1x forum passed
and I in turn passed along to Charles...that's how these things work
sometimes ;-)


--- In, mango <j.kolling@c...> wrote:
> Please keep in mind that no one at egroups nor the moderators of
this list
> are responsible if something goes wrong with sales or trades.
> Also note that free emailadresses don't have any leads to the
person who is
> actually using the account and don't take responsiblity either.
> Just thought this was worth mentioning
> Carry on...
> C H wrote:
> > If anyone here is interested, I have an AN1x I am
> > selling. I am asking $575. It is in absolute excellent
> > condition with all documentation. Please contact me at
> > huffcw@y... if you are interested.
> >
> > Note: I can accept credit cards through
> >
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