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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] DevNo. NG Error with An1xEdit

From: "Steve" <steve_bubble@...>
Date: 2000-10-23

Hi, I just joined this list this morning, having owned an an1x since they came out... Hello to everyone else too!!
Can't help you with the first problem, but I would recommend getting a simple guide to cubase if you're going to stick with it as it can be very daunting for the new user... personally I prefer and use logic, but only got to grips with that because I spent a year trying to work cubase out.
Something which is useful, and very user friendly is sonic foundry's ACID, it will beatmatch any samples you put into it (you just draw them in wherever you want them) and you can sync you an1x to any tunes you create. You can then export your samples to cubase or logic where you can do more with them like effects and stuff, acid makes an excellent sketchpad for ideas!!
Hope this isn't frowned upon too much but I discovered this site last week very usefull!!
----- Original Message -----
From: drummer@...
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 12:54 PM
Subject: [AN1x-list] DevNo. NG Error with An1xEdit

Well..this is my first question to the list. I have had my An1x for
a few months now but finally have some time to use it now. I was
playing around with An1xEdit last night and wow..that's pretty
smooth. But then after a while when trying to send a voice to the
synth I get an error on the synth that says " DevNo. NG Error "
I have checked all the midi cables, and it looks fine, any ideas why
I am getting this error.

Also I am just now getting into making music with synths and my
computer and i need some help getting started. First of all what is
something good to sequence with. I have cubase but I am somewhat
lost...maybe i just need to read and play a bit more. Are there any
good help pages on the net...or docs on cubase.

Well I guess that is it for now...any help would be great. thanks a

Maybe my next post will include a song.


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