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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] What's the deal with Yamaha?

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2000-10-09

From: "Pablo AZ" <PolHarris@...>

> >Oh well... since the mLAN announcement, I'm not that much of a Yamaha fan
> >anymore, really. :)
> I've always been a huge fan of Yamaha...but I'm wonderring if they are
> adopting a new market focus or what?
> Dropped the AN1x, dropped the EX series, seem to be ending the MU series
> (not sure on this but it just is starting to look this way).
> Seem to be quite devoted to their A-series samplers and PSR line (the new
> PSR 9000 sounds pretty amazing)...but is that only temporary? Is it
> they decided that they can no longer be all things to all people? Now thay
> have a new keyboard series which you can plug modules into...but not much
> fanfare. Are they gaining or losing their focus?

Loke someone says, it's the Japanese way of doing business. You have to keep
coming up with new gadgets, otherwise the public gets bored. So the average
product lifetime is about two years.

If you doubt it, look at the lifetime of the EX series, AN1x, FS1r, CS1x,
A3000, QS300, W5/7... it goes on and on.

If you still doubt it, look at the Sony Playstation 2. In Europe and the US,
it will get decent DVD playback hardware, but in Japan it's done - crappy -
via software. Why? Because its lifetime expectancy is so low that it doesn't

I've become quite disappointed with Yamaha service. I know it's their choice
to conduct service through dealers, but quite frankly I don't give a rat's
arse about their blody business model, since I pay good money for their
products. As far as the dealers are concerned, I usually bring ∗them∗ the
news. I tell them about mLAN, and I tell the other I have a silver EX5. He
didn't even know it existed, thought I was mentioning the CS6x.

But since no-one in Hamamatsu wants to get his head out of the sand, I will
concentrate on manufacturers that are willing to bring some continuity in
their product line. Europe and the US will do the job for me.

- Peter