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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Mission impossible? (my experience)

From: "Paper Jam" <PaperJam@...>
Date: 2000-10-07

I work with Cakewalk, and I record all AN1x patches in SysX in my (Midi)
song. With this program, it's very easy but... forget to send SysX data to
your synthesisers while the song plays (and I think the problem exists with
Cubase or other...): it's impossible to send a big data (like SysX) and note
on/off in same time: your others instruments play with delay, or doesn't
play, or some notes desappear...

The only solution is to load patches before the song begin, or while your
sequencer plays sounds.

Maybe can I help you with the procedure of Cakewalk:
1) I open the SysX window;
2) I click on [Receive];
3) I choose 'start dump on instrument';
4) On the AN1x I "bulckDump 1 vce';
5) Return to Cakewalk: I click on Done;
Then I have the sound: 1986 bytes. I can choose to send the sound to my AN1x
when I load the song. Or I can insert in a track a SysX command to send the
sound but... (see above...)

----- Original Message -----
From: <fodgaard@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 1:51 PM
Subject: [AN1x-list] Mission impossible? Bulk dumps from ANx1Edit/PLG150
into Cubase

> I need to record ANx1Edit/PLG150AN bulk dumps to a midi file for easy
> instrument changes during a song.
> I have tried Cubase and the XGworks light supplied with my SW1000XG
> card, but never succeded in getting the bulk dump (even for a single
> voice) into my sequencer (using Hubi's loopback device) and getting it
> to play back as intended. I recognize that limited sysex buffer size
> may
> be the problem, but could someone please tell me of a sequencer
> (pref.
> free or shareware, I want to use Cubase for regular work) that
> will do the job.
> Henrik
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