Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: New Found Love

From: "Jason Perry" <jason@...>
Date: 2000-09-26

Hey peoples, this list has really died down lately... what's
going on? So has the SW1000XG list... and the DSP Factory
list... the Reaktor list?? They've been dead from the start.

Well, work has been occupying most of my time for the past
year. I've had my PLG150-AN for about the same time - and this
past weekend was the first time that I really started to play
with it.

I'm in love now :)

I'm brand spankin new to analog synthesis, so I have a few questions
for the people doing electronic types of music ([psy]trance, dnb,
goa, etc):

What are the most common params (besides the ubiquitous filter cutoff
frequency) to tweak in real-time?

What are some obscure params to tweak in real-time? Some example
patches that go good with those tweaked params?

For techno heads:
Something that about made me s∗&t my pants that I messed around
with a big smile on my face for about an hour... the PLG card
only has one insert effect (amp sim) that sounds VICIOUS when
set on type:tube and cranked up all the way... talk about breaking

Any other little things about this synth that people just LOVE???

Maybe a little effect? tweaked params? favorite bass? favorite
pad? I just want to get every sharing ideas and talking again :)

BTW: this is what happens when I start drinking red bull at work :)

Jason Perry
Senior Application Developer
Expression Engines, Inc.

We're hiring! Know anyone extraordinary?