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Subject: Re: AN1x OS v1.04 (Question for Ed)

From: mark@...
Date: 2000-09-23

The Yamaha tech guy said the only real big improvement with EPROM
v1.04 is that it prevents the 'low battery' warning from coming on
too early. Woo hoo!!

Someday I'll get out the golden screwdriver and install it anyway. :-)



--- In, "Edwards, Ed" <ed.edwards@s...> wrote:
> Yeah, Jon, got it and installed it (and IIRC I think I posted to
the group)
> and found absolutely nothing I could document as different.
> I will investigate the transmission question you have this weekend
> packed up from a gig) and give you a report.
> Ed,
> Did you ever get the v1.04 EPROM Yamaha sent you installed? How did
> it work out? If so, can you check whether the Arp/Seq will now
> transmit when LOCAL = Off?
> Thanks,
> Jon
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