Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] (OT) - To Ed

From: "Jason Perry" <jason@...>
Date: 2000-09-21

Thanks for the virus! Thank god for that dude Norton :)

-----Original Message-----
From: PinheadX [mailto:pinheadx@...]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 12:55 PM
Subject: [AN1x-list] (OT) - To Ed, now you'll receive this e-mail...

My Groups | AN1x-list Main Page

(Sorry folks,) I'm sending it to the list after several tries..:-)

Hi Ed,

Here's one more try to reply..:-)

Thanx about the tip, but I'm into the list since I found it on the
internet....btw, I was looking for the TX's OS at that time, now I'm using
the Typhoon 2000, way easier to use than the T1.0 I used to have.
I also downloaded a choir sample from the list's FTP, but it wasn't the one
I'm looking for, I need something heavenly dark, synthsized and w/ a fast
attack...I got a decent one (soundfont), but still looking for..:-)


> I used the "members" section of the page to send this.
> They keep your address secret, but let you mail another member of the
> group. Here's a copy of the original message I sent:
> Hi Pinhead,
> The original reason I got internet access in 1993 was because
> I read in a magazine that there was a listserv devoted to that
> sampler. The list is almost dead now (or they dropped my name off it
> again) since there's been no mail for about 2 months. But, there is
> an excellent FTP site for getting patches.
> I don't own mine any longer, but I can tell you the Typhoon
> blows the butt off most sampler's operating systems. And the TX
> sounds great. With Typhoon, you don't need a manual for the actual
> hardware. Here's some good links:
> Ed

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