Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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From: "Thomas Finegan" <tomfinegan@...>
Date: 2000-09-11

Tom, I am from ft lauderdale, fl. What kind of private help do you
need? and are you inquiring about free help or free-lance help? I
have a wide variety of synthesizer and recording experience as well
as music retail for several years at g.c. These days I am a
professional sample library programmer and on the side I do whatever
gigs i can get such as equipment and computer daw consultation as
well as tv sfx, etc. I am new to this list but have always been a fan
of the an1x. On a yamaha training in early 1997 I got to play one of
the prototypes at yamaha hq in california and have wanted one ever
since. Also while working in sales I had spread quite a few an1xs
around s.fl. Aside from that wonering about your help inquiry stuff,
I was going to write here anyway because I am curious about some
things with the an1x and will probably be getting one in two days:
an1x for non traditional analog and digital sounds?
I do love analog sounds and definitely agree that the an1x is still
one of the most realistic virt. analogs out there, however I am sure
no one will argue with me that for true analog sounds nothing beats
true analog. I have tons of killer real analog synths such as the
jupiter 6, minimoog, modulars, cs50 etc. and though traditional
analog sounds will always be great I am getting a little tired of
them. of late I have been combining their use with other unique
electronic sounds i've been able to pull from things like my yamaha
fs1r fm module and playable samples of things like mutilations of my
modular and soft synths. I like to use analog synths for what they
are good at and digital synths for what strengths they have. The
an1x, from me playing with it seems to have a great quality sound and
super deep real-time editing. What I think or hope this will give me
is a truly realtime editable and controller recordable synth to make
unique electronic sounds that things like my minimoog and jupiter 6
can't do. I want something quirky like my fs1r and alesis s4+ for
sweeping pads and beeswarms and metallics and not just extremely
faithful analog representations though i do dig the midi control for
that sort of stuff. i would like to know your and other people's
opinion of the an1x not based on it's ability for traditional analog
sounds but based on it's own uniqueness in sound shaping that is
different other synths. This always seems to be a little talked about
subject in the electronic synth world and synths that have excelled
at weirdness like the yamaha fs1r always seem to be sales flops. I
know i'm not the only person to want real experimental sounds and
can't be the only one to be a little bored of the classic detuned saw
stack. any opinions by some real tweakheads would be greatly
btw i am also a yamaha sponsored programmer of the A4000/A5000 series
so if anyone's got any questions about those i'd be glad to help out.
Thanks, Adam