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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] AN1X Editor

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2000-09-11

Martijn wrote:
There is something strange going on with my editor. If I load a bank I
cannot see the names of the patches. The only thing I see are some letters
and some
other strange signs, like ^ #?

Sounds like you do not have the correct fonts used by An1xEdit installed on
your system. Under Windows the application uses Small Fonts (smalle.fon) and
ASI_System (asifont.fon). The small font is a standard Windows font (so you
should be able to reinstall from your Windows CD). The ASi font is a custom
font installed by the AN1xEdit installer.

On the Mac the required fonts are provided in the should
copy the supplied font suitcase to your system font folder.

