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Subject: Re: spanked by Cubase

From: "Jerry A" <jerrya3@...>
Date: 2000-08-31

> >I got another vs of cubase and now everithing works fine but some
of the VST
> >plugins I instaled
> >like "mda Vocoder". I'm using, or "trying" to use, the Cubase VST
3.7. The
> >plugins are instaled
> >on the right place, but I can't select them (they aren't on the
list). Any
> >suggestion??

I ran across this, though I have forgotten the details. I believe it
has to do with asio 2.0 supporting "vst synthesizers" and asio 1.0
not doing so. I suspect that MDA vocoder may require asio 2.0 that
vst 3.7 may not support (I know for sure that version 3.55 - my
version - does not support asio 2.0 drivers). Hence I can't use any
of the cool new vst plug-ins (yet).

You might check to see if that is the problem. If vst 3.7 supports
asio 2.0, it might be just a question of downloading new asio drivers
for your soundcard.

Hopw this helps,
