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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] OT: Do European parents still make their kids learn accordian?

From: Roland van Oorschot <scout@...>
Date: 2000-08-24


And here in Holland we have special wooden shoes made by Nike(tm) and every
day a folklore dance-event in the Redlight-district where everybody is getting
high on pot.
Amsterdam? Isn't that the capital of Danmark?

I guess you wouldn't like it if I say that the average American has the same
IQ of a Jerry Springer guest and looks like Ronald McDonald?
Oh yes..we ∗DO∗ have TV over here in Europe! :)

It's nothing personal Ed, but I absolutly hate the ignorance some americans


>===== Original Message From "Edwards, Ed" <ed.edwards@...> =====
>In America, >%50 of boys have to join "Little League" which is baseball for
>kids. It's almost a requirement, parents really push it on them.
>I've been told that kids in Europe have to learn to play the accordian. Is
>this true? If so, then that may be why so many people buy synthesizers
>Just an innocent, honest question.