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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Cubase 10 X 0 Myself

From: Elson Trinidad <elson@...>
Date: 2000-08-23

PinheadX wrote:

> It may sounds pretty weird, but the only options the MME setup gives me are
> my CM8338 MPU-401!....while the AISO sets the CM8338 PCI Playback &
> Record..but AFIK, this card is ∗not∗ AISO compatible...

Are there any cards that are AIBO compatible? :) :) :)


- 30 -

:. elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa
:. elson@...

"music is a form of rapid transportation" - john cage

[ the futurethnic beats of e:trinity - ]