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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] What kind of music do you make?

From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: 2000-08-21

From: <angelphkt@...>

> "I am really interessed in what kind of music everybody makes, using the
> AN1x. My style is Gothic, more exactly some mix of darkwave, electro, (a
> little bit of) industrial and maybe in future also a bit of rock or metal
> (if I have a band again)."
> I make a mix of all kinds of stuff, but for lack of a better description i
> make industrial/drumnbass/noizecore/teknopunk/deathstep rock and roll :-)
> hehe just depends on what kinda mood im in :-)

I have to stop listening to Funker Vogt's music...I'm doing only industrial
dance!!! I've been brainwached!!! Where are my real ebm (F242, FLA,
KMFDM...) cds???
