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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Gear?????

From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: 2000-08-18

From: "Elson Trinidad" <elson@...>
> Phil wrote:
> >
> > From: tomfinegan@...
> >
> > ", doesn´t she has almost everything? Tell me,
> > you didn´t start drooling, after seeing the effect list (with the four
> > TC-electronic effects...hell, did she win in Lottery or something? These
> > babies are EXPENSIVE!)"
> >
> > Hi Tom,
> >
> > Check out the main page. She's obviously does a bit more than just dance
> > look pretty!
> She's obviously in a higher tax bracket. She's got not just one, not just
> but
> ∗three∗ Sony AIBO robot dogs...Those things aren't cheap, they're about
$1500 a
> pop...(considering that a real dog can be had for, like, free). Only
people with
> a disposable income can buy those things...I mean you need synths to
create your
> music, so it's a neccessity, not a luxury...but a ROBOT DOG?

I almost post a comment about that bunch of AIBOs...:-)
Anyboby took a deeper look at her gear list?
The page's name is perfect to describe what she have (BTW, that IS an
AN1x)...I got tired reading the entire list!!! She have almost everithing we
want (almost??)
I won't mind if I get laid w/ her and make some babies to enforce her to
marry me...she's cute...and is the easiest way for me to put my hands on a
Polymorph too..:-)
