I really really like the wedge. As it stands, it's my only real time
effects processor other than my space echo. The reverbs sound really nice
and the delays are pretty cool too. I think the basic effects are reverb,
delay, flanger, and chorus. It would be nice to have distortion in there as
well. The cool thing about the wedge is that it fits perfectly on that
little lip on the AN1x (ontop of the control matrix diagram on the right
hand side). Also, the sliders on the wedge can be tweaked somewhat in real
time when you're in edit mode.
It actually doesn't have a's one of those power supplies where
the transformer sits in the middle of the power cord. So, the wallwart is
actually a floor wart with a cord coming out of it that ends in a normal
I'm not sure about the longest linear reverb.....I'm thinking it might be
500ms or maybe 1000ms. You can get some pretty cavernous sounding reverbs
All in all, it's a great reverb device, but don't go after it thinking it
will twist your sounds into another dimension =] Though, come to think of
it, you can really tweak the reverbs to produce some odd morphing effects.
Some of the reverbs have 20 paramaters you can tweak! I use it mainly to
enhance some sounds with a bit of reverb. If you're into dj'ing, there's
nothing better than applying a slight touch of reverb to your mix while your
making a mix tape....makes it sound very professional. Good luck! Hope
this helps.
-----Original Message-----
From: mango [mailto:
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 9:39 AM
AN1x-list@egroups.comSubject: Alesis Wedge (Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Gear?????)
How do you like the Alesis Wedge ?
How are the reverbs? and how are the other effects?
Is it true that it has a rather strange wallwart?
What is the longest Linear Reverb you can get out of it?
Todd Gys wrote:
> This is what i'm working with:
> AN1x
> MPC2000xl
> TR-909
> Korg ER-1
> Roland Space Echo RE-301
> Alesis Wedge
> Turntable set up
> Computer
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