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Subject: Re: Sv: Sv: [AN1x-list] Jp 8000/8080

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-08-17

--- In, Phil <accession@o...> wrote:
> He's probably rejoicing in the fact that his
> site got a another download hit
Yeah i think so as well. What i am always wondering, why do
these "dotcom"musicians always promote their music on places where
other musicians are. Why don´t they go into chatrooms and mailing
lists in which are:
a) more ppl,
b) less critical ppl
so that he creates more hits and downloads on his mp3-site.
And telling us that he thinks that the AN1x is a plastic toy doesn´t
motivate us very much to listen to his music or read his further
I guess that´s simply a question of IQ.

> Phil (.... who's a very proud owner of both a Yamaha AN1x ∗and∗ a
> JP-8080.)

Tom - (who envies Phil a lil bit for having another VA-synth with an