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Subject: Re: Sv: Sv: Sv: [AN1x-list] Jp 8000/8080

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2000-08-16

From: <tomfinegan@...>

> I know what you mean <g>, what a shmae...i thought they would have
> built in a kind of "fuzzy-logic"circuits to emulate the imperfection
> of Analogue Synths. Well, this can be a disadvantage but also be seen
> as a big advantage, or would you like to "warm up" your AN1x for an
> hour, before use, and try to bring it back on the right tune for
> another the Minimoog...who always detunes after a while.

Well, the one bug that the AN1x really has is a hardware bug, and it only
surfaces if your AN1x is still cold... figures. :)

- Peter