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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Aftertouch?

From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: 2000-08-15

From: Paul H. Richards
Hi PolHarri,
I'm not an expert since I'm also new in AN1x stuff and I also had this doubt, but I can help you out.
You're right about how the AT works. The AN1x will respond at it as you programmed (using and changing the selected parameter) when you press the keyboard harder.
You can turn it on using the control matrix (select "AT" as source) and the parameter it will respond (select the one you want as "parameter" at the control matrix).
I didn't noticed any patch w/ AT...but I don't know them all...:-)
I hope it helps (at least a little),
Hi everyone. New AN1x owner and new to this list. I have a question for the experts here.
What's the story on AN1x's aftertouch capability?
As this is my first keyboard with aftertouch, still not 100% sure how it works. Is the keyboard supposed to "give" a bit when ytou press hard? I haven't found any evidence of that. Any comments on how you guys use this feature out there?
Any patches with aftertouch set up already that anyone recommends looking at?
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