Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Japanese Yamaha's e-mail needed

From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2000-08-09

Re: [AN1x-list] Japanese Yamaha's e-mail needed Hi there,

If you don't mind me asking, what is your complaint? Is it a product issue or dealer/distributer/support issue?

I am just thinking that if it's the 'product' (or 'support), then someone on the list may have some suggestions/workarounds that may help you out.



From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>


Can anyone send me the japanese Yamaha's e-mail? I tryied at their website,
but I couldn't open the contact's page.
Believe me, I have a complain to do...>:-(
