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Subject: Re: Voice set-up guide help

From: jondl@...
Date: 2000-08-08

Hi PhX,
Did you get the right bank of voices? Try http://www.jdlx- This is the Quickstart
set that ∗should∗ be the companion to the set-up guide.


--- In, "PinheadX" <pinheadx@t...> wrote:
> Ok, I gave up....I was trying to find the 32 voices that the AN1x
> guide uses as examples in its chapter 3. I found just a fwe ones in
the 3
> voice sets that came in the Zip file.
> There's only 3 possibilities: or it was corrupted (I doubt) or the
> have different names (probably) or I'm too stupid (that's
> Can anyone give me a hand to find the missing voices? It would be
fine for
> my study.
> Thanx in advance,
> PinheadX.