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Subject: Language/Culture/et al

From: Darren Boudreau <RIXdeGAUL@...>
Date: 2000-08-07


I really hate when I sometimes say something or ask a question and then somehow it triggers into something entirely unrelated to what the original subject had been. Because then that hurts me. It's like somehow I created this situation.

I have to notice on the one hand that we are all from different places around the world and all our cultures are different.

I am of the tolerant type. I couldn't careless what Ash or anyone else used to describe what's inside their head. Because frankly I use the same kind of language, not at all times, but it does come out and usually during emotional outbursts. And for the benefit of those here I AM NOT AMERICAN. I am Canadian. And don't tell me there isn't a difference either. Anyway...

Our sensitivity level seems to have increased over the years immensely. And I don't know why this is happening.But... Think about the fact while one person is offended by someone using Nazi and then another makes a statement with regard to people using particular words that somehow defines them as being somehow unintelligent is in itself offensive.

I think some of us are getting extremely nit picky about things to the point of being absolutely pathetic. But without knowing each other very well it can be diffult to know what to say or not to say. So right now, at this moment in time, I apologize for anything I may or may not say that might offend someone.

I mean really is it going to come to "We have to watch every single damn word we say every moment every minute of the day for fear that we may offend someone". That's ludicrous. I suppose for the purposes of this mail list or any other list, chat, etc etc. We will need to watch our tongues. But at any given moment that we write a message. How are we going to know that we haven't offended someone. And it doesn't matter how adult we may think we are or how wonderful we can weave the english language or any language, some or if not all of us are still "children".

This group is here for people who have this keyboard. Need help, and so forth. I think we can dispense with the problems of what we're saying and focus chiefly on the An1x, music creation,and so on.

Get a grip...

Darren (The dual citizen of North America, citizen of the Planet Earth)

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