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Subject: Sv: [AN1x-list] Sequencers ?

From: "Pergamon" <pergamon@...>
Date: 2000-08-07

> Hi Jan,
> I still thinking that the best way to avoid some offenses is filtering the
> e-mails we receive using our own e-mail clients...I don't care about this
> kind of words since I use them too, so remember that Ash was talking about
> an piece of gear and used "that word" in a figurative way, not meaning to
> offend anyone, but there were a thread called "American are
> ignorants" you'll find two clues for what I'm trying to say: It was a
> big joke...they were kidding w/ each other (without any offense), I used to
> laugh reading those messages, and the word "ignorant" isn't a badname at
> all, but also can be offensive...
> PinheadX.

Hey PinheadX

I was mostly referring to the word Nazi. I understood what Ash meant when he used the word "Yamaha Nazi", but the word Nazi is very offensive to a lot of people. As I stated, it is OK for me that Ash talks/writes that way, but sometimes you got to think about who the receiver could be, where you use it and how. Imagine that you use the word in front of a person that has lost most of his family in WW2, due to a sick person which had a sick idea of a pure race. What may have started as a joke, can very quickly get ugly.

Yeah well, enough said.
