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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Offtopic: Dutch smoke pot (was:Americans are ignorant )

From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: 2000-08-04

From: <tomfinegan@...>

> > ...And I surely would do that, but there's no more ANs to buy. To
> Yes there are...the 150AN-PLG-IN card...ok only a kinda AN1/2x but,
> who cares...

I know, but to use it I have to buy a new synth like CS6x or S80 wich are
expensive, the CS6x costs about $2500 here (and I'm not sure if the S30 is
"upgradeble") or a new sound card for my PC, but it's not distributed here
by Yamaha do Brasil and I don't trust in my winblows'98 to make music. I
know I may use another OS, but I already spent money in software for it and
don't intend to spend more..I'm a MS slave...:-)

> > > > my taste
> > > > Germans, make some great pieces of gear. My next goal is to buy
> a
> > > > Polymorph...but it's to far from now..:-(
> > > Hmmm...i wouldn´t call Polymorph a great piece of gear...
> > >
> > > Tom
> > >
> >
> > Explain....?
> As far as i´ve heard about it, the OS has some awfull bugs. Also
> Quasimidi is not well known in Germany for their good service...
> Read the test on

I've tried to search the SOS web site to get some info about the KorgZ1 some
days ago and it seams to keep having some technical problems...:-(...would
you mind to send the direct link to this page? I'm not so sure, but I think
I already read this review...
But as far as I know it, I mean, how this gear sounds, it would be a perfect
companion for my AN1x and my Sampler...but I also know that it's not much
easy to program.
