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Subject: Re: Australia/football/Synthcompanies

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-08-04

--- In, tspeer <tspeer@h...> wrote:
> Japan- Akai,Yamaha, Korg, Roland, Kawaii
> USA- Oberheim, Arp, Moog, Peavey, Emu, Ensoniq, Kurzweil
> Sweden- Nord lead
> Germany- Waldorf, PPG
> UK- Novation, EDP
> Netherlands-Synton
What is Synton?

You forgot:

Germany: Waldorf(they bought PPG), Access, Jomox, Quasimidi,
Creamware, and some softsynthproducers (I guess Emagic and Steinberg
don´t count...)
Belgium: Sherman (Filterbank)

> - let's not forget Australia's major synth band contribution of the
80's ...
> PSEUDO-ECHO !!!!! (not a joke- I loved their first album)

Hm...who´s that`? They are still making music? Any