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Subject: Re: New Poll: What features and options will *you* look for in your NEXT synthesizer

From: jondl@...
Date: 2000-08-03

I'd like to thank everbody for the ∗terrific∗ response to this poll

I'll leave it open for a couple of weeks but I'd like to encourage
to participate if you haven't so yet.

BTW - don't forget to indicate whether you want a Keyboard or a
in the poll choices. In retrospect, I shouldn't have assumed people
would limit themselves to hardware boxes only - doh!

Thanks again!

--- In, jondl <jondl@j...> wrote:
> A friend of mine inspired an idea for a new poll. He moderates a
pair of
> mailing lists for two completely different types of synthesizers:
one a
> popular, and common, ROMpler - the second a commercially
> niche market, digital synth. He thought it would be of interest to
> compare the attitudes of these different user groups and see what
> ∗really∗ want, i.e., is the grass really greener in the other
persons yard?
> So, I've compiled a poll remarkably similar to that of my friends
to see
> what YOU want from your next synthesizer. If you are undecided as to
> what_type of synthesizer you truly desire - please limit your
> to your top two favorites, i.e., FM & ROMpler.
> Thanks for your participation. Enjoy. Have fun. And no, the results
> this unscientific poll are not going to be put up for sale to a
> marketing company ;-)
> regards,
> Jon
> --
> Featuring support for the Ensoniq ASR-X Pro Sampler and Yamaha AN1x