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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Offtopic: Dutch smoke pot (was:Americans are ignorant )

From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: 2000-08-02

> > The sad thing is that the AN1x was a great sounds great
> > only ever had minor bugs. Unfortunately, at the time of release the
> > didn't seem to want it....sales were poor. Until of course Yamaha
> > making everyone wants one! Go figure?
> I don't know... maybe they were too early? Yamaha products hardly ever
> longer than two years, or perhaps even less. So perhaps the AN1x was
> 'doomed' before the market really cought on. I don't know.

The most weird is that they never made a "new or big brother" for this synth
like happened to the CS1x that was succeded by the 2x and 6x...just a card
that don't fits in all Yamaha's synths, only in the new and expensive (or
should I say "expansive"?)....
I just can't understand the japs they did lost a great opportunity...or
didn't? Let's face that now we have to BUY an S series or a CS6x in order to
BUY the PLG-AN card...
