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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: New Pool - Music style

From: Philip <synth72@...>
Date: 2000-08-02

There's nothing remotely alternative about
"alternative rock." It's simply a marketing term to
describe boring crap.
--- leka.sielu@... wrote:
> I find the stylelist very electronic-oriented so
> far...
> Excuse my ignorance but I cant tell the difference
> between
> industrial, house, jungle, acid, goa, triphop or
> breakbeat.
> how about adding these to the list:
> Alternative rock
> Blues
> Disco
> Ethnic
> Funk
> Hard Rock/Metal
> Jazz
> Latin
> Pop
> Progressive rock
> Punk (...well, AN1x could be used in it ...right?"
> Rap
> Reggae
> just to mention few...
> Antti

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