Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Digest Number 152

From: "Underground Sounds" <U.Sounds@...>
Date: 2000-08-01

> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 20:36:10 -0300
> From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
> Subject: Re: Re: Offtopic: Dutch smoke pot (was:Americans are ignorant )
> > I was thinking more about there JV/XV/XP synths and modules. The
> technology
> > may be kinda old, but it still sounds good. And the pros love it. Ever
> > noticed that you always see Roland on stage and in the studio? And,
> > we're at it, hardly any Yamaha?
> That's probably coz Yamaha only real controler is the old KX88 (as far as
> remember), but take a look at some Funker Vogt's tour pictures (
> ) you'll see an AN1x as one of the master
> keyboards it's also used by Cesium:137 , Crome-Red , DevilSpeed , Dolls of
> Dasein , Gridlock , Igor Khoroshev (of Yes) , NIN , Velvet Acid Christ

as far as i know funker vogt use the cs1x.and horrible voice distortion,by
the way.

brian of VAC doesn´t like the an1x very much.he rated it on his site (there
were some synth descriptions...but now he has deleted them) at 4 from 10.
he prefers to the virus and the jp8080. he´s a nice guy,by the way. some of
my favourite musicians.

> ....and the CS1x is used by 5 Factor Model , 99 Devils , Bushflange , Dark
> Illumination , David Bowie , Hans Zimmer , Jamiroquai , Moloko (seen it on
> stage) , PULSE , R.I.P. , Sneaky Bat Machine , Solemn Assembly , T.V. ,
> Vertigo Blue...(source:

don´t forget to mention one of germany´s new electronic projects "split
effect" using the cs2x heavily.
and "neurotic fish" (electro-ebm-synthie from germany) is using the an1x.

just some info from my music files..


frank aka
master of sound

PS: wumpscut,covenant,VNV nation and a.berzerk doesn´t use any yamaha
synth´s AFAIK. speaking of ebm/synthie bands.