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> > hi there all.--
> Hi!
> > i got myself a used Yamaha an 1x. Now i wanted to connect to my pc
> and
> > got problems with it.
> > I pluged in the midi cable (in and out and into the pc) but the PC
> > doesnt seem to be connected
> > with the Yamaha. I am using Cakewalk and tried Logic Audio.
> > Maybe the Midi Connection is broken, and thats why I got it at a
> fair
> > price.
> I had the same problem w/ my CS2x (but it was the cable...).
> > It would be great if some of you could me some infos about the
> setting
> > which i have to do at the Yamaha (channels, etc.) and the setting
> for
> > cakewalk.
> As far as I know the default AN1x's setting gives you the channels 1 &
> 2 to
> send and receive. First off all you should select the "Midi Ports"
> you'll
> use (be shure that it's properly instaled):
> ∗∗∗Tools>Midi Devices>(select the one you want to use for In & Out)Ok.
> Then "import" the AN1x instrument definition to your cakewalk (if you
> don't
> have it I may send by e-mail or you may get it at the list's e-group's
> page):
> ∗∗∗Tools>instruments>define>import>(select Yamaha)open>(select Yamaha
> AN1x)Ok.
> If you still having problems take a deep look at you cable. BTW, to
> sync the
> Cakewalk clock to control the arpeggiator (for example) set the arp.
> tempo
> to "Midi" (on my CS2x it's below 40bpm I assume that on th AN1x is the
> same)
> then set Cakewalk to send its clock:
> ∗∗∗Tools>Project Options>Midi Out>transmit Midi
> Start/Continue/Stop/Clock>Ok.
> > Oh, i only have the PC and my Yamaha an 1x connected with midi.
> > just to let you know..
> In fact it doesn't matter at all, if there's two devices on the same
> channel
> they just shall respond to the same "info" at the same time, but you
> shall
> experience som trouble when sending SysEx.
> > thanks in advance
> You're welcome..:-)
> I hope it helps,
> PinheadX.
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