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> Peter Korsten wrote:tout,
> > Roland, for instance, doesn't really innovate: they just improve on what
> > others do, and sell it for an appropiate price.
> Actually they're tying to capitalize (though not in the best way) on their
> earlier successes, hence this "Groove Approved" mumbo jumbo. They like to
> "Yeah, we made the 808 and the 909 and the 303. Are we ever gonnare-release em
> or make updated versions of them? No. Just buy this lame Grooveboxinstead.
> After all, it's 'Groove Approved.'"There's a market for these boxes, otherwise Roland wouldn't make them. And
> >Korg is pretty innovative (the spin-offs of their OASYS keyboard, likethe
> Prophecy, Trinity and Z1)Trinity
> Not innovative in the true sense; the Z1 is just another VA synth, the
> is just a late '90s version of the M1 and the Triton is just anothersampling
> workstation. Oh but wait! They're all in silver casings!The Z1 is way much more than a VA synth. As a matter of fact, it's the first
> But they ARE making products that the public wants and likes, for examplethe
> Electribes and the MS2000 (which currently is sold out in most stores, andwon't
> get new shipments until October!)Well, the public wants those, and Roland's groove boxes, and Yamaha's CS
> >Yamaha is even more innovative.FS1r,
> True, though not with the best results, popularitywise. For example the
> really is a good piece of equipment, but has lame presets and it nevercaught on.
> Hey but something has to be said for a company that takes risks. Thoughthey're
> huge anyway and have been around for 113 years, so it's not like they'regonna
> go bankrupt anyway.Not likely. But the ironic thing is that their most down-to-earth products
> Same with the EX series synths, which are some of the best sample-basedsynths
> you can find. Though apparently the CS1/2/6x models are apparentlypopular. I
> also like theEveryone I
> QY-70, which is an amazing product that got very little publicity.
> know who bought one, including me, learned of it word-of-mouth.The EX5 got bad word-of-mouth from its users, and for a good reason. (BTW, I